Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New shoes or as I like to call it...Birthday presentpalooza

So I'm 29 today. I spent $900 on my car last week. As a result, I swore I wouldn't spend anything on myself. That lasted about an hour into my birthday. Spent $250 on clothes at Old Navy and $90 on new shoes from Famous Footwear. Oh yeah, baby! I invented a new song, "It's my party and I'll buy if I want to! Buy if I want to, buy if I want to! You would buy too, if it happened to you!!"

I bought my clothes on line, so I will have to wait to do a fashion show. Here are my shoes, though!

Pretty sweet, huh?


trishtator said...

I love the brown ones! Happy birthday! :)

Andrea said...

Like your shoes. Looking forward to the clothes fashion show.

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

This is my type of post...love the shoes!