So I have an assignment for the same class and due at the same time as the egg assignment. It's called mindfulness. Basically we have to take time to understand our subject. To be aware of everything about it or them. Take time and try and record what that object or person is. I had no idea how to do that with an inanimate object or still life. Our professor said that if we wanted to do a portrait, than we should. Of course I chose portrait. I love taking pictures of people. I think it's what I'm best at. So I wrangled my friend Angela into helping me. I took this when it was almost dusk and it was overcast, so I had to open up my aperture really wide, so I don't know if it's exactly what I wanted, but I still like it.
Holiday Hamburgers
2 days ago
I really think you portrayed mindfulness extremely well in this pic...great work!
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