Friday, October 2, 2009

$387 later...

Wednesday, I went and got a bunch of shots for my trip to Thailand. See, Thailand is a little bit third world, and I really didn't want to get some disease that would make me sick and require a liver transplant. *cough*Hepatitis A*cough*

So I set up an appointment at the University of Utah Hospital's travel clinic. Insurance probably wouldn't have covered all the shots anyways, plus I have weird insurance and would have to pay a $250 deductible first anyways. Lame. Oh well. So I went, they gave me a bunch of information on Greece and Thailand. Then came the shots.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella adult shot (never got it when it came out in the late 90's), and Hep A in the left arm. Tetanus and Flu shot in the right. Fun times! And I have 4 pills to take for Typhoid Fever. All this added up to $387. Like I said, fun times. But I guess it's worth it, right? I mean who wants to get typhoid fever? And I probably did need the MMR and Tetanus shot. Though, my arm hurt like a mother from the tetanus shot. Lame.

Final verdict, I'm glad I did it. This means I can eat all the yummy Thai food I want and not get Hep A! Bring on the pho and pad thai!


Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

Woah girl! That is so intense! Worth it for sure,still totally jealous! So the book this month is?