Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Leaving on a jetplane!

So I'm off! Going to Greece. I'm excited, nervous, scared, happy, and a little freaked out. My mom always said that I'm the wierdest person she knows. I love to travel, but I hate change. I hate changing my routine. So the first few days of traveling somewhere, I tend to freak out a little. I need help, lol.

Well, I barely slept last night, I was so nervous. But I'm excited, and honestly it feels a little surreal. So yeah. I will take lots of pictures and post them all when I get back. Most of you are friends with me on Facebook, so I plan on updating some stuff there while I'm gone...so yeah! See ya when I get back!


Heather said...

I hope you have so much fun, what an awesome opportunity!!Enjoy every minute of it and don't sweat the small stuff.

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

You better be having the time of your life cause I am missing your bloggin!