So I bought a tripod...I'm pretty excited.
It was an early birthday present for me...from me. Well, I haven't really had time to practice with it and I really have no idea how to shoot at night, hence the tripod. So I took a few minutes to play with it tonight. Still hate that my camera sucks with a high ISO (film speed, the higher the number the more light it takes in. ex; 200 = sunny, 1600 = night.) Anyways, the nicer the camera the less grainy a high ISO picture looks. Mine isn't the nicest, so my pictures look super grainy. Oh well, one day I will hold a Nikon D300 in my hands, one day. I won't even think about the full-frame sensor D700. There in lies depression.
I also bought my tripod because I keep toying with the idea of doing a 365 Project. Which basically is to take a self portrait every day for a year. I don't know if I am brave enough to do it. That's a lot of exposure for someone who would rather be behind the lens. But we'll see. Here are a few of the pics I took tonight. I'm not too impressed with myself, but I thought I would share anyways.
Look Ma! No blur!!
Here I am playing with the timer on my camera...
ps. I'm this close to finishing a photography blog. I also ordered business cards...It's about time I get serious with this thing...
Hi Woozie
2 hours ago
I like the graininess of the bottom one.
Hey I know where those were taken.
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