Monday, July 5, 2010

Virgin Islands Wedding!! Finally!

So I finally finished editing Matt and Annie's wedding. It was intense. I took so many pictures, plus I had to figure out how to get rid of sunburns. It was tough! So here they go! PS...there are a lot...

The first morning on St. John was magical. The sunrise was amazing. I was staying with Annie and her sister, Kate. I can't even explain how beautiful it was to wake up to this. We had the best view, right on the cliff. The ocean breeze, the light. Amazing. I only wished these pictures captured it.

Annie's mom made her dress. It's a copy of a J Crew dress. Polka dots! It was so pretty and unique!

I played double duty. Photographer and make-up artist!

Kate did Annie's hair, and I helped a little bit with a few bobby pins...

Yes, these are the stairs we climbed up everyday....

I love Annie's family. I met them before a few years ago when I went to Connecticut with her. I love her mom! She reminds me so much of my own. I'm pretty sure they would be best friends if they ever met.

Seriously, these four are hilarious. Annie's brothers made me laugh sooo much during the wedding. I sat at a table with both them and Kate. I laughed so hard. Plus, Joe, Annie's oldest brother saved the day so many times. For example, he climbed up all the stairs and got me bug spray during the reception. Saved my life, I'm telling you. Tom is in the green shirt. He is training to be an Air Force pilot. Basically Top Gun is his life. There is no one else like him.

Kate and I basically hung out the whole time. We both failed on sunscreen duty and as a result both of our backs were burnt horribly.

Matt's family is so kind and gracious. They were just a joy to be around. I've never had so much fun with people I had barely met. I'm so glad I was able to be apart of this moment.

Details! The diamond ring was Matt's grandmother's and the wedding bands are special metals. I can't remember what they were, though. Something cool. and fruit salsa...

Annie's flowers were beautiful. I loved them so much. Roses, lilies, and ginger!

The cake was really good too! Mango filling...

Such a beautiful wedding. I hope Annie likes her pictures, I'm always doubting myself and because she's such a good friend, I wanted them to be perfect, but I'm not. So hopefully she loves them no matter what.

I'm so grateful for that fateful day in the Chem lab in Dugway, when she peeked her head into my office and started a conversation with me. It's hard to keep close when people live all over the country, but I love Annie to death and I'm so glad I was able to spend this time with her and her family and see her have the happiest moments of her life so far. I couldn't be happier for her. Matt is amazing and perfect for her. It was such a perfect moment in time, where people just are so happy for each other and you can feel the love that everyone has for each other. And that's my corny, mushy thought for the day...


Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I can not believe how amazing your photography skills are becoming...not that I doubted you! I absolutely LOVE all you pics and so should Annie! You totally captured the moments...perfectly!
I still must mention how jealous I am of your recent travels!

Melissa said...

Jen! Way to rock that purple dress! I'm in love with it.