Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Leaving on a jetplane!

So I'm off! Going to Greece. I'm excited, nervous, scared, happy, and a little freaked out. My mom always said that I'm the wierdest person she knows. I love to travel, but I hate change. I hate changing my routine. So the first few days of traveling somewhere, I tend to freak out a little. I need help, lol.

Well, I barely slept last night, I was so nervous. But I'm excited, and honestly it feels a little surreal. So yeah. I will take lots of pictures and post them all when I get back. Most of you are friends with me on Facebook, so I plan on updating some stuff there while I'm gone...so yeah! See ya when I get back!

Friday, October 2, 2009

$387 later...

Wednesday, I went and got a bunch of shots for my trip to Thailand. See, Thailand is a little bit third world, and I really didn't want to get some disease that would make me sick and require a liver transplant. *cough*Hepatitis A*cough*

So I set up an appointment at the University of Utah Hospital's travel clinic. Insurance probably wouldn't have covered all the shots anyways, plus I have weird insurance and would have to pay a $250 deductible first anyways. Lame. Oh well. So I went, they gave me a bunch of information on Greece and Thailand. Then came the shots.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella adult shot (never got it when it came out in the late 90's), and Hep A in the left arm. Tetanus and Flu shot in the right. Fun times! And I have 4 pills to take for Typhoid Fever. All this added up to $387. Like I said, fun times. But I guess it's worth it, right? I mean who wants to get typhoid fever? And I probably did need the MMR and Tetanus shot. Though, my arm hurt like a mother from the tetanus shot. Lame.

Final verdict, I'm glad I did it. This means I can eat all the yummy Thai food I want and not get Hep A! Bring on the pho and pad thai!