Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thailand: part II

So here is what I did in Lam Plai Mat...I went to the market...

The purple fruit under the number 25 are mangosteens, the only weird Asian fruit I liked...

One of the main streets in the town...

The following pictures are of the temple in Lam plai mat...I was able to participate in a Buddhist ceremony that involved feeding the monks, since they aren't allowed to grow their own food or shop for their own food. It was such an amazing experience. I was so worried that I was going to do something offensive. But I didn't, thank goodness. I was able to hear the monks chant and then I gave them rice into their bowls. It was something that I didn't think I would be able to do. Amazing.

Mem's mom is releasing goldfish. It helps promote good karma, basically. Since Buddhist's believe in reincarnation, they believe that if you release animals, like fish and birds, it gives you points. Basically doing a good deed.

This is the main temple, where people have their ashes interned...

The color's in this country blow my mind. It's just bright and vibrant...

This is Mem's uncle, Pu...he is the youngest in Mem's Mom's family. He was a really sweet man. He is a guard at the King's palace in Bangkok...

I love this picture...

Water Buffalo!!! And the local school, right behind them...

Noc (Mem's sister), and their dad. We were coming back from the temple. You should have seen the cart I was riding in. I seriously thought I was going to break it. I'm not Thai sized...

Mem, and her other Uncle Teet...One of the most genuine, humble, and spiritual person, I have ever met. I hope everyone gets to meet a man like him. I wish so hard that I could speak his language. The night I left Lam plai mat on my way back to Bangkok, we were loading all of our stuff on the train, and as it started to pull away, he grabbed my hand and just held on to it and said the nicest things to me. I didn't know exactly what words he said, since I don't speak Thai, but sometimes you don't need to understand the language to understand the meaning behind the words.

Mem's mom had her birthday while we were there. The cake was interesting, but it was really nice to celebrate with her. She's the matriarch of the family, and her siblings love and appreciate her so much. It was so nice to see something that wasn't about gifts, just love and appreciation. It was really special.

Mem and the cake...

From left to right, Teet's wife, Pu, Pu's wife, and then Teet...

Noc and Mem...

Noc and Hero (Remember, Hee-lo), this is where the food was cooked. No one cooks inside, it's too hot...

I hope you enjoyed more Thailand pictures! Every time I look at them, I get sad and want to go back. I need to learn Thai, so that I can actually talk with them next time.


Unknown said...

That picture of Mem and her uncle on the bike is great Jennifer! I love it! I couldn't take my eyes off it!

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I cried looking at these pictures, this place and pictures are so amazing. I am touched at each experience you describe.