This Thailand post is going to be a little different. It's not really anything exciting, it's just life at home in Lam plai mat. The first picture is of a big piece of fruit. You might remember it from a few posts ago. It ripened, and now it was time to cut it open.
Here is Mem, waiting for it to get cut open.
Noc, striking a pose...
Tit is the man that takes care of everything. He's cutting it up. Fun times.
This is what we rode into town. Seriously, if you're a little Thai person this is perfect! When you are me, you are afraid that you will break it. Not good for the ego...seriously.
Eating fruit...though, I wasn't a huge fan of it.
Mem and Fang. He just had a bath. In Thailand, they put white powder on the children's faces. It helps with the heat and moisture.
Noc and Beir being funny...
Hero, the cutest dog ever...
I love this picture...
This is where we slept. Kind of spartan, but it was fine. It's a huge mess at the moment. Luggage all over the place...
Hanging out and watching the world go by...
Some more of the back yard...
The other spirit house...
Gerhardt (Mem's aunt's boyfriend from Germany), Noc, and her dad...
The dragonfruit plant at the front of the house...
The shrine to the King across the street. These are everywhere. Some are as big as the skyscrapers they hang from. They also can be as small as this...
Going on a walk to the river...
The river, and a small canoe...
So that's a day in the life of me on my Thailand vacation. Hanging out and just enjoying the experience...