I've seen these around a little, back in January. I wasn't able to add one to my blog then because I didn't have a computer. So here it is, a month and half late, but I really wanted to write a list since it's been one of the craziest years yet...
January: Had an okay holiday season. Sister 3 (Jarika) was in Green River for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were all sad about that, but what can you do. I got a nice bonus for Christmas at work, so I was happy about that. But I was starting to get that itch again that all was not well at my company. Plus I overheard the big boss talking about having to talk to us all later in the new year. And he did not sound happy.
February: Honestly, I can't remember much about this month. Well, actually, I remember talking to anyone at the office that knew anything, and keeping my eyes and ears open. I'm a suspicious person by nature, plus a little bit negative. This makes me hyper aware about things going on. So, I emailed everything from my work computer to myself and got all my files in order. I was ready.
March: Got laid off! Yep, the Friday before, I packed up half my stuff because I just knew that it was going to happen. I didn't know if it would be me, but they weren't going to catch me unawares. Plus I had a lot of stuff. 3 years worth. The Sunday before, I couldn't even sleep. It was insane. I just knew. KNEW. Sure enough, Monday morning I went and talked to Stacey, and she told me it was happening that day. Plus I saw all the HR ladies walking down the hall. When half my department disappeared and just left me and Rachael, I knew. Talk about the suck. I was sad, happy, and freaked out all at the same time. I knew that it was time for me to go. I WANTED to go. I was so over that job and everything that came with it. But I was upset. I had seniority and that obviously didn't mean anything. Whatever, I got severance and nice reason to get on with my life instead of being stagnant. Once we were told, everyone was hanging out all sad. Nope, when I get upset, I get angry. It gets me through things. I was done and over it. I wanted out. I still have a hard time driving by the building. I want to go and egg it sometimes...
So I went home and moped for a week, and rest of the month I was kind of depressed. But whatever. It also allowed me to be around 100% for the best thing EVER! Oliver Tony Mayall was born. He is the best thing that ever happened to my family. He was the best way to end a crappy month.
April: I spent a lot of time at my parents, where Jarika, Tony, and Oliver were living. I just worked part time at Barnes, and got used to being unemployed. In the last 6 years, I've never not worked, and in the last 2 years, I've worked 2 jobs. It was weird not to have that. I had to figure everything out again. I think I was depressed during this month too, actually...
May: Crazy month! I started this blog, I started to think about going back to school for Photography, got Marissa to let me take her engagement pictures, and...bought my ticket to Greece! Oh yeah. I decided to use that severance for something that counted. I didn't have a job, I was going to travel. I had been responsible my whole life, and look where that got me, laid off. Well, I decided to be irresponsible. I had paid off most of my bills, my car was almost paid off. Screw the world. I'm sticking it to the man and going to Greece and Paris. Though, I also freaked out after I did this.
June: I held Oliver A LOT. And I took Marissa and Nate's engagement pictures at Memory Grove. I was so nervous. I'm so glad they turned out. I also took Justine's friend Olivia's engagement pictures. They were a complete 180 from Marissa's, but they were just as fun and exciting. I've never done anything like this before, but that's also when I realized that I loved doing it, and you know what I think I'm pretty good at it. Obviously there is room for improvement and education, but it inspires me in a way that nothing I've ever done before has.
July: I started swimming again. I love swimming. It's the one form of exercise I won't talk myself out of because it makes me happy. I love it. I've always loved it. I wish I could have been on the swim team in high school, well if Dugway actually had a swim team. I also went to the George Strait concert. I love him. He reminds me of my Grandpa Palmer (Papa). I've wanted to go to a concert of his since forever. July was a good month. I just hung around, swam, read books, and held Oliver. I also took my old friend (since kindergarten) Jessica's boy's pictures. First time shooting kids. It was insane and so different, but rewarding in a different kind of way. I loved how they turned out, but it was exhausting, lol.
August: Tomato season, and Oliver's blessing. He was so cute and fat. It was a special day. I also took Marissa's wedding pictures. That was a stressful day, let me tell you. This is where experience and education come into play. Things that I'm lacking. They turned out okay, I wish I could have done better, but it was a good experience. I also went to Yellowstone with my friend and also laid off coworker, Rachael. It was a lot of fun. We camped, and hiked (not enough for Rachael), saw bears, and just had a grand time. It was fun and simple. Oh, and I turned 28. I so wasn't where I thought I would be. I have friends who have 4 kids. My mom had 4 kids at 28. I don't have a career, I've changed my mind on what career I actually want. I work part time at a Barnes and Noble, yet I've never felt more free.
September: I was sad that summer was ending, but getting excited for Greece! Hotels were getting booked, plans were being made, the anticipation was half the fun. Then my friend Mem texted me and told me they were going to Thailand. I was so sad because we had been planning on going together the next time her family was going to go. But we didn't think it was going to be for a few more years. Nope, they were going December 2009. I was sad. But then it hit me, why the FREAK not? Why can't I go? I called my boss at Barnes, and she said I could go for two weeks. Not the entire month, like I wanted, but what can you do. So readers, I did it. I bought a ticket for Thailand. Greece and Thailand within a two month period. Who does this. The new Jennifer, that's who!
October: Got all my shots for Thailand...and went to Greece! One of the most amazing experiences of my life. I've been wanting to go to Europe as long as I can remember. I've just never had the opportunity. There were a few instances that could have made it better. Some people on the trip were cranky for the majority of it, but what can you do. I constantly think about how I want to go back. I got to go to Versailles, people! The Parthenon! I got to see the Mask of Agamemnon! I got to swim off the coast of Santorini! It was a dream come true. Seriously.
November: Thanksgiving and recovering from Greece and getting ready for Thailand. Did you know that you can't find flip flops anywhere in November! And I took my dear friend Mindy's family pictures and 1 year pictures for her baby, Stephanie. (these will eventually be posted.)
December: Thailand. What can I say. I haven't had time to write about it yet on my blog, but it was amazing. The people, food, and scenery. Amazing. I've decided that Mem's family is my Thai family. My brothers from another mother, my sister's from another Mister, lol. They were so nice and it was so relaxing and refreshing. I can't wait to go back in four years. I was invited by Mem's mom and her uncles who don't speak English. Christmas was a lot of fun too. Oliver's first. He was a joy to watch.
That was my year. It was intense and insane. I have a lot to look forward to for 2010. In May, I'm flying to the US Virgin Islands to play photographer for my friend Annie's wedding. I'm going to swim again this summer. I'll hopefully talk Rachael into doing Zion's slot canyons with me. I'm going to go to Salt Lake Community College in the fall to get my Associates in Photography with a certificate in Online publishing. They have a really good program and it's cheap. I'm going to do this. I'm tired of being scared about what's going to happen or how it's not responsible. I'm mostly debt free and honestly, I'm just going to live. I don't want to be one of those people who just do what I think I'm supposed to do. I'm going to take chances and go down different roads that I have no clue where they lead. I'm sure I'll get frustrated and upset. I'm sure I'll have trials. But I'm going to have a lot of fun in the mean time.
Turtle pets
1 week ago
Seriously, you're an inspiration. I LOVE this blog post. Your comments remind me so much of when I got laid off and how scared I was but oddly comforted. Like everything was going to work out. And it totally did. Although I hate that place too and if you need a partner in crime to egg it I am with ya. They can just go to hell for the way they treat people.
But on a lighter, and more happy, note, I'm so happy that you had such a good year in an odd, crazy way!
For real, let's do lunch. I'll facebook you and we can set it up. I'll see if Stacey wants to come!
Amen, sista.
You rock that SLCC and get that degree!!!! You are so brave, Jennifer. And you're totally capable, and totally able to do it and do it well.
You rock my socks.
Jen -
You are so awesome! I can't believe how much you just live life to the fullest. If you make it down to Zion's you should let me know... maybe we could hook upt somewhere.
I am so excited for you! I don't know how else to say it! I'm proud of you, too. I'm glad you've found your place in life with photography! Sometimes it takes a while, and we have to be "irresponsible," but we do it anyway!
I'm excited to see you soon!!! And to hear about everything!
Yes...yes...yes!! Everything is right on track for you and I know that this jaunt you are about to take will do more than Just work out!
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