Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some more school...and Jake

The first two pictures are an assignment. The others are just because.

Mr. Jake is a Senior...whoa...That is bizarre to me. He decided he's going to UVU to play his trumpet.

They got mad at me for taking so many pictures, but it's because the two Palmer men are crap at pictures. This is the best one I got, which isn't saying a lot because it sucks.

Of course when they aren't paying attention, they are a lot more photogenic.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family Pictures...

I took some family pictures a few months ago...go check them out on my photo blog!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Skull Valley...

 I was supposed to be blogging about Thailand today, but the cd that my friend, Mem gave me was blank. So sad!! I could blog with just my pictures, but she has a bunch of me, and I really want to put them in with mine. So I guess Thailand will have to wait a little bit longer. It's already been a year and then some, so what's another week or two?

Instead, here are some pictures I took of Skull Valley for an assignment. It was a black and white assignment, which was kind of hard for me. I naturally like really bright and light pictures, and these were all really dark. I didn't want to lose the detail in the clouds, so I just sucked it up and had darker pictures. I still think they turned out pretty well! It was so windy that day. I think I actually got windburn on my face.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I love school! Even when it's boring...

So some of my assignments are really boring. For example, in one class we are learning different light meters. Not very inspiring, but it's very important. My personal goal in this class is to make every boring picture I take, fun and interesting. See, we all take turns playing model, and it's a challenge to make it look interesting. So here you go Juanita! If you don't like them, I will take them down hahahaha....I did them in black and white and color. I couldn't decide which ones I liked best, so I posted both versions.

The other pictures are for Photo 2. I was in a hurry and took them in my front yard and a potted plant in my house. So boring, I know. But I still think they look cool. Well, anything can look cool if you shoot it at 1.4 aperture.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More photoshop...same shoot...

So I love to post pictures. I haven't really taken any new ones, so here are some oldies, but goodies. We are learning black and white in photoshop and different ways to achieve different effects. So here are some more of the Salt Lake Temple.