So this last Sunday, we went out to my parents for the day. My cousin, Katie, is out from DC and wanted to go and ride horses. It was a really nice day, perfect for going outside. Plus, my mom was making yummy food. Always a plus. Oh, and Oliver was going to be there. You really can't argue with that. So this is mostly a picture post, well, most of my posts are picture posts. Though, these aren't that great. I just wasn't feeling it that day. I've been kind of down this week. Usually, pictures and family perk me right up! Not this time really. Oh well, that's what Oliver hugs are for.
Grandma and Oliver...Oliver is kind of blurry because I was messing around with my new lens and had it down to 1.4 aperture and that means that focuses on one thing and the blur factor around that one thing broader. For example, if the aperture had been higher, say 5.6, Oliver wouldn't have been blurry at all.
This is the best we could get with Jarika (mom) and Oliver. He was not in the mood...
Hanging out in the living room. If you look closely at Oliver you can see a baseball whistle in his mouth, but the funny part is that he noticed Uncle Jake's chips. He really likes chips, much to the disappointment of his mother. (Sorry Jaynie! I know this isn't he most attractive picture of you, but Oliver is hilarious in it!)
The whole fam! Katie, Justine, Jake, Oliver, Jaynie, and my dad...Mom is in the kitchen cooking, and I'm taking the pictures, and I don't know where Jarika is. Also not pictured is my brother-in-law, Tony. He is at work. Okay, so maybe just half of the family.
This picture cracks me up. Oliver and Jake bonding over food. Jaynie paying attention to Katie and Justine, and my dad so over it and wanting a nap probably. You would to if you were insane and got up at 5am every day.
Justine and Oliver on the way to visit my mom's new pig. If you are wondering what Oliver is looking at...
Uncle Jake and Grandad, fixing and summerizing the air conditioner...
So my mom bought a pig. I guess you raise them all summer, and then butcher them in the fall. It's like Little House on the Prairie! Hopefully this plan turns out better than the raising chickens plan...
Oliver loved the pig. He loves animals period. He giggles and screams and points. It's pretty hilarious.
It actually really cute. I'm kind of sad about making it into bacon...though, if you've ever had bacon straight from the pig, you'd get over it...
This is Oliver pointing. He points at everything. It's really funny.
One more picture of Oliver and the pig (my mom named him Wilbur), I'm already sad! He's so cute!
Jaynie and Katie vogueing it out in the horse pasture...
After the pig, we went to ride horses. I mostly just took pictures. Actually, Katie was the only one who rode the horse! We all just watched and petted the animals. I took pictures. Like the one above. This is my dad's tack shed. Fun times...lots of money...
Another view of the tack shed. I'm actually trying to be artsy here. I don't think it's working so well!
Jarika on the 4-wheeler with Oliver...and our dog, Abbie. She (Abbie) has ridden on the back of the 4-wheeler since she was a puppy. She loves it. It's kind of hilarious. My dad get's mad about it now because her nails tear up the seat, but hey he let her get on too.
I think my heart explodes every time I see my dad all sweet and loving with Oliver. I also think my dad was over me taking pictures of him...oh well!
Oliver loves his Grandad...
Jake saddling the horse...or at least trying to remember how to saddle the horse. He used to be more into the whole cowboy thing, but not he's mostly into sports and girls...Guess that happens to teenage boys...
This is my new favorite picture of my dad...he didn't realize that I was taking it...
Katie, getting up on the horse. Good thing she's 6 feet tall...
Crazy Grandma Karen! Must be why Oliver loves her the best...
Fun times riding horses in the sticks. What stories she'll have to tell all them city folk...
Grandad took Big O on a ride on the 4-wheeler. He loved it! He had the biggest smile on his face...
Look at that smile!
I don't know who had more fun...Grandad or Oliver...He was sooo pooped that night. He played and played and played.
Fun times at the Palmer house...