Monday, April 12, 2010

A day in the life of...

Today was my day off. It's been a really good day. I found out that I get unemployment for the summer, which takes a load off of my back. Now I can concentrate on getting ready for school, taking pictures, and having fun this summer, instead of working two jobs. This morning I had orientation for school. I know it's only April, and school doesn't start until August, but this lets me register for classes May 3rd instead of sometime in July. Plus, I like to plan things and get everything ready to go.

Then I went up a few floors and talked to the Financial Aid people and found out that somehow I am in the system as a Male who hasn't registered for Selective Services. Weird, since I remember checking the female box on the FAFSA. Oh well, I get to fill out another form. I also found out that I might be able to get a Pell Grant since I'm so poor, but I can't apply for that until I don't receive unemployment anymore. Then I walked around campus a little. I have to get used to this school thing again. I have to be honest, it makes me a little anxious and scared...

Then I went to Walmart to pick up my sister's prescription, but it hadn't been called in. As I was leaving, there was a lady out front holding an injured pigeon, trying to get the Walmart employees to call the animal cops, to come and take care of it. What a soft-hearted woman, and a little crazy. It would be like taking care of an injured mouse. Oh well, shows you how much I care about wild animals. After this, I went and got my oil changed in my car. As I was waiting, I walked around Library Square and took pictures...

I'm really proud of myself because I shot all of these pictures manually. No auto, no action, just manually, where I have to set the shutter speed and aperture all by myself. I still have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm actually starting to learn. Every blog/article/book that I have read has said to shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. The more pictures you take, the better you will be. I'm starting to see the truth in this...

I came home, and probably should have done some laundry or something productive, but instead watched a movie. Then I went and got Pho with Mem. I love Mem. She is one of my best friends in the world. In the words of Anne Shirley, we are "kindred spirits."

It was a really good day...


Unknown said...

I love this! It was my day off too but I already had plans otherwise we could have shot together. Way to go on shooting manually too! PS You do have an eye. :)

Andrea said...

Sounds and looks like a fun day! That's great that you are going back to school.

Rachael said...

Yay for a good day! I'm proud of you for jumping back into school...something I have yet to do. It'll be great! And the Pho looks good...maybe we should get it next time we go out. It's been a while since I've had it.

Mindy said...

Yay for days off!! Especially when they're spent having fun and doing something productive... =)