So, I've been debating about talking about this on my blog, but since it is in fact my blog, I am going to. I'm going to explain the family drama that I have alluded to the last few posts. My sister is a prescription drug addict and an alcoholic. She was arrested and is in jail for stealing prescription drugs. She is as bad as they get. I love her and I miss the real her. As a result of this my life has been consumed with worry, and driving out to Dugway a lot. I have to help with my nephew, since my brother in law works full time. Plus, I have work (Retail in the holiday season), and school. When I do have a few hours to myself, I tend to vegitate. My house is a disaster, there is always something that is causing stress, and I'm worried about my family.
There are some really good things, though. That we now know how bad my sister really is. We've always known that she had a problem, but she hid it very well. We thought she had gotten better. So now we have been learning all that we can, so that we can help her. My nephew is getting better. He has suffered from this as well, but he is resilient and I can already tell a difference since he has moved to my parents with my brother in law. I've seen a side of my Dad that I have never seen before, and that is amazing. I've also been so grateful for school and photography. It has given me a positive outlet for my stress. I'm also grateful for my sister, Jaynie. She is only 21, and she is shouldering a lot of the responsibility of helping with Oliver because her schedule is a lot more free than mine is.
I'm not looking forward to the future right now. It's going to be really hard. My sister is still refusing to admit that she has harmed anyone and that she has a major problem. This is so hard to deal with, but I feel confident that we can overcome this. It just sucks that it had to happen on the holiday season, when it's supposed to be about family and love. Not stress, jail, and addiction. Oh well, what is life without trials and heartache? I know that not all of my readers are religious, but I just want to say that it helps me to know that Jesus Christ has felt all of these sorrows and heartaches of me, my family, and even my sister. And he knows exactly how we feel and he is there for us. I am most grateful for that.
Now, I don't want this post to be only about negative things, so here is some pictures from my final projects. I'm still working on them, and there will be more, but I just want to give you a taste, plus I can't post without pictures...
Turtle pets
1 week ago
You are a brave soul.
Best wishes.
Families are hard, but they are worth it.
i will keep your in my prayers.
Everything will get better but way to keep your head up! I absolutely love the last is amazing!
Jen, you have been so strong. And we both know how hard it truly can be. Anyway, I am here for you my friend. :)
PS I really love these photos! The last one is my favorite!
I wish I was a better home teacher. Can I help in any way?
I'm still praying for ya, Jen! I am glad that Oliver is doing okay - I hope your sis figures out what is most important in life and soon!!!
Love these pics!!!
Thanks for sharing. I've been thinking a lot about you lately and I really hope that you find peace. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, friend.
Sorry to hear about your sister, I agree with you that real life does suck! Hang in there and keep your head up and rely on the Lord and you will all get you through this.
By the way love the pictures!
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