I bought a plane ticket yesterday. Something I've been wanting to do forever, but just never got around to it. I've been working two jobs for two years, saving up for it. Then I got laid off. Then in a fit of I-don't-know-what, I bought a ticket. I have the money, but should I have bought it? Should I have saved it for school, bills, or other important things. Well, yesterday I said no! I'm going! I've been wanting to do something like this my whole freaking life. Who cares if I might need that money a year from now. I'm going to Europe! So I bought a ticket to Athens, Santorini, and Paris for two and a half weeks. I should be doing this...
But instead I'm feeling this...
Change, fear of failing, Jennifer the Responsible rearing her ugly head. I don't know what it is. I'm excited, but feeling a little bit like I shouldn't have. Urgh. I need to stop thinking too much. I know lots of people who just say screw it and do whatever. As long as my bills are paid, as long as I'm not hurting anyone, then why not. I'm single, no guy, no kids, and not even a job to worry about. Why the bleep not. I'm sure I'll get over it. Especially once I start looking at things to do in Santorini. In the mean time I think I'll look at pretty pink flowers and blue sky.
You go, girl! If not now, when? I'm going to England for 2 weeks in June and I thought the same thing. I really should be responsible and put that money towards something responsible...like my car. And then I was like screw it. These opportunities don't come often so you should take them. When are you going? Who are you going with? And I think you totally deserve it.
Thanks Melissa! I was wondering when you were going too. We are going from October 6-24th. It's a pretty lond trip. The 20th to the 24th are going to be in Paris, though. I'm freaking excited. Just a few friends of mine and me. I don't even feel bad anymore. Any remorse is gone, and now I'm just really excited.
I'm so proud of you! You deserve to go. And honestly, why save all your money up when you can have fun and still have some money left? Life is too short to not enjoy yourself and go on trips.
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