I had lunch today with some really good friends/old co-workers. And I'm so glad I did. We talked about what we wanted to do with our lives. All of us started off in genealogy, and now all of us are considering moves onto other totally unrelated careers. As a result of this lunch, I feel even better about getting a photography degree. It can't hurt, and even if I'm nervous and a little afraid that I'm not good enough, it's okay.
So barring any life-altering events, I think that's what I'm going to do next year. I'm pretty full for the rest of this one, but I like this new plan of mine. I think I can really do this, and really enjoy it. Screw office jobs. I really have no desire for them anymore.

Dear Jennifer,
Please stick it to the man. You rock my totally unrelated career world. I think you'll be a great photographer.
Covered in banana baby puke
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