So Friday, July 17, 2009, I did something that I've always wanted to do. And I mean, always. It's almost up there with backpacking Europe. I got to see George Strait in concert. I know, you're thinking, really? George Strait? I thought this was the girl who listened to pretty much only singers that could appear on the Lilith Fair tour. Well, you're not wrong. I don't really like country, but I've always loved George Strait. It might have been when my dad ordered a pay-per-view movie called Pure Country. I think I was 13 or 14. Cheesy and corny, but it stars George Strait as a country singer who is just over the glitz and glamour and wants to get back to the music, his roots and, yep, you got it...Pure Country. I even own it DVD. I only tell you this to explain my love. I once worked with this girl named Adrianne at Convergys in Orem. She got it. We called him Gorgeous George.

Blake Shelton was next. I actually recognized a few of his songs, so it wasn't too bad. He was pretty hilarious too. He sang the tune from the Free Credit commercial. It was hilarious.

Anyways...I talked Jaynie into coming with me. I don't know anyone else who would want to come. I was so excited. Even if I had to wait in the sun and 100 degree weather before they let us in the gates. It was so hot and sunny. We thought we were going to die from heat stroke. Thankfully they were selling blue raspberry snow cones. That saved our butts.
So the first act was that chick from Dancing with the Stars, Julianne Hough. I was not expecting a whole lot. I listed to previews of her CD at Barnes, and I was not impressed. It sounded like Minnie Mouse singing Country. I was so suprised! She is actually really good live. And she's cute...I hate her.
Blake Shelton was next. I actually recognized a few of his songs, so it wasn't too bad. He was pretty hilarious too. He sang the tune from the Free Credit commercial. It was hilarious.
Then came George! I was so excited. He puts on a great show. He didn't sing some of the songs I was hoping he would, but that's okay. He was just great. I can't say enough about him.
Now to the negative...I'm reminded why I don't go to big venue shows. You get a huge crowd of people together, and you get crowd add a bunch of overpriced beer to the mix, and you get drunk neanderthals...The group next to us happened to fall into that category. I'm sure they are nice people. But they ruined the concert for me. They started stepping all over our bags and stuff, and when I asked them to watch where they were going, they got all pissy. I'm like hello, my very expensive camera lens and phone are in that bag. Whatever, I was over it until we turned around and they were kicking my bag and laughing about it. Bastards.
And to make things worse, it took over an hour to get out of the parking lot. And a guy in a truck almost ran me over in my little Hyundai Accent because he couldn't wait five minutes more to get out of the lot. Again, I say...Bastard.
So yeah, no more big shows for more shows at USANA for me, either. But I loved George, and in the end I guess that was all that mattered. See ya next trip!
I hate...drunks too!!!!
You should have taken off your hoops and thrown down!!
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