Monday, May 31, 2010

Print your photography!

So I'm still editing an engagement and the wedding in USVI, but I wanted to post something fun. I should post about my last day in Greece, but instead I'm going to jump ahead to Paris. Something I struggle with is printing off my pictures. I take tons, but I never get them printed in hard copy. Why not? Laziness, maybe? Well about a month ago, I was having a pretty bad week. I just was depressed and upset. When I feel like this, I usually end up spending money. Retail therapy, you know? So I went and bought a bunch of new frames at IKEA, and then printed off some of my Paris pictures in black and white. I LOVE THEM. Here they are...

These top three were taken at Versailles...

These two were at the Louvre...

Obviously, the Eiffel Tower. The last one was taken from the top of the Arc de Triomphe...

This was the coolest little alley in Montmarte...I bought a few paintings just around the corner in Artist's square. If you look closely you can see the Sacre Coer...

One of my favorite parts of Paris, were the bridges and lamp posts. Seriously, I need to go back. Maybe tomorrow? Who's with me?


Unknown said...

JENNIFER! I LOVE THEM!!! 1,3 and 4 are my favorites!

I am also terrible about printing my pics out. You have inspired me. :)

Mindy said...

Jen, once again I am just floored by how you capture things on your camera!!! I love your work!! Although I know that this was totally NOT work for you. =) Thanks for sharing! Hope you're loving your new decor...

P.S. When can you fit in a shoot for Steph??

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

WOW! I have no reason to say anything else! And I will leave with you on Tuesday to Paris, never been and I don't have a job as of then.

Rachael said...

LOVE THEM! You truly have some awesome talent! I am very impressed. The pics of Kasey and Chris are great too and super fun!