Sunday, September 12, 2010

I have been busy...

So sorry that it's been almost two weeks since I posted last. I've been really busy, and my internet was being really inconvenient. I've been trying to readjust to to closing every night at Barnes and Noble. It's hard to get used to that again, especially with getting up at early and being at class by 8am. But here are a few pictures to show what I've been up to. First assignments...They were for both classes and we went across the street to library square. I'm so over taking pictures there, that's for sure.


 I've also been going to my brother's baseball games. He's a senior in high school, so I it's the last time I'll ever get to see him play! sniff...



Jake is such a goofball. I love this kid....


 I also love this one...look at that belly...

 I've also been hanging out with these people a lot...


At the games we get to watch Oliver play soccer. He kicks it with like 99% accuracy! It's crazy!


Then he has to cheer and clap for himself. I have to take blame for that one, since I taught him that when he was till a little baby.


 He made friends with Jordyn. Who I've known since she was the cutest little baby...I talked her into doing a little photo shoot for me. I just couldn't help myself, what with the tutu and her little sassy personality!





But really, we all know where my heart lies...


I also did a photo shoot of these sweet boys. I'm still editing them, (this is an outtake). So Jess! I am getting there!

I'm so busy, but I'm having so much fun. Well, not at Barnes, but the school part is awesome. I just bought a film camera and it works like a dream! I just got my first roll of film back and the pictures are beautiful! I had no idea how they would turn out, so I didn't get a cd along with them. But I will scan them in eventually. This week I start work in the dark room. Hooray!!! I'm pretty stoked. Also, I'm going to start blogging my Thailand trip, but I'm waiting on some pictures from my friend, Mem. I don't have a lot with me in them on my camera, but she has a bunch of them. 

I promise to be better about blogging...


Nasher said...

Some good shots in here.