Monday, October 18, 2010

Film is not dead....

Here are some of my film assignments that I promised. The first four our photograms. Just light, objects, and photo paper. They were a lot of fun. These aren't the ones I turned in. They were way cooler, but I forgot them at my house. (I don't have a scanner, my parents do.)

This one is crooked. I didn't feel like rescanning it.

This one of Wilbur the pig (recently deceased), is my favorite. I love the light, and I love that he's not looking at me. I don't know why...I just love it.

I also LOVE this one of Oliver. A girl in my class said it looks like a mugshot. I still love it, though.

Sorry this is light on content. I'm dealing with some major family issues right now, and don't have the energy or brain power to right anything else...


Unknown said...

I like! There is like a sepia tint to most of them too.

Angela said...

Jennifer I love all these pictures. I like the horse pictures, and like always the picture of your dad. Love it!!