Monday, October 25, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!!!

Friday, my mom, sister, brother, and I took Oliver trunk or treating at my mom's ward. It was the first time we got to see Oliver in his Yo Gabba Gabba costume. This kid loves Yo Gabba Gabba. When he was a baby, it was the only show he would show any interest in. He still loves it. I personally wanted to spray paint it blue because his new favorite word is cookie. He walks around saying, "cookie cookie cookie". I think it would have been more appropriate for him to go as Cookie Monster. Though, I have since found out that Cookie Monster only eats vegetables now. My childhood is slowly being killed, yo.

Oliver with Uncle Jake, who is his most favorite person. We still don't know why, exactly.

Little Monster!!

Don't mind the blur. This was taken when it was almost dark, so my shutter speed was very low.

 Oliver's pumpkin candy holder didn't make it through the night. The handle was busted.

Eating his loot while he could. His mother wouldn't let him take any of it home, and gave it to Uncle Jake instead. How rude...


Melissa said...

Is it just me or is Yo Gabba Gabba kind of creepy?

Rachael said...

He is SO cute! I love the costume.